Horizon 2020 Consortium Agreement

The Horizon 2020 Consortium Agreement: What You Need to Know

Horizon 2020 is the European Union`s research and innovation funding program aimed at supporting cutting-edge ideas and turning them into successful commercial ventures. Its primary objective is to drive economic growth and job creation in Europe by investing in research and development activities across various sectors.

One of the key requirements for receiving Horizon 2020 funding is the formation of a consortium. A consortium is a group of organizations or individuals that come together to collaborate on a project. Consortium agreements outline the terms and conditions of the collaboration, including the allocation of resources, decision-making processes, and intellectual property rights.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the Horizon 2020 consortium agreement and what you need to know about it.

What is a Horizon 2020 Consortium Agreement?

A Horizon 2020 consortium agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of collaboration between multiple organizations participating in a Horizon 2020 project. The agreement is essential as it provides a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of each partner, the allocation of funds, and the management of intellectual property rights.

The consortium agreement is typically entered into at the start of the project and must be signed by all participating organizations. It acts as a roadmap for the project, laying out the steps that must be taken, the milestones that must be achieved, and the resources that must be allocated.

What Should Be Included in a Horizon 2020 Consortium Agreement?

A Horizon 2020 consortium agreement should include several key elements, including:

– Description of the project: A detailed description of the project and its objectives, including the scope, timeline, and expected outcomes.

– Roles and responsibilities: Clarity on the roles and responsibilities of each partner, including the project coordinator and the other consortium members.

– Financial aspects: An outline of the budget and funding arrangements, including the disbursement of funds and the payment of expenses.

– Intellectual property rights: A description of the intellectual property generated as part of the project and its ownership, management, and exploitation.

– Communication and decision-making: A clear description of the communication and decision-making processes, including the frequency and types of meetings.

– Confidentiality and data protection: A provision for the protection of confidential information and personal data collected as part of the project.

– Dispute resolution: A mechanism for resolving disputes between the partners, including the use of mediation or arbitration.

Why is a Horizon 2020 Consortium Agreement Important?

A Horizon 2020 consortium agreement is essential for ensuring the success of the project. It establishes a framework for collaboration and provides clear guidelines for project management, resource allocation, and decision-making. It also helps to protect the intellectual property of the participating organizations and ensures that they receive proper credit for their contributions.

Moreover, the horizon 2020 consortium agreement is a requirement for participating in Horizon 2020 projects. Without a consortium agreement in place, organizations cannot receive funding from the Horizon 2020 program, making it a vital aspect of project planning for all participants.


A Horizon 2020 consortium agreement is a crucial document that outlines the terms and conditions of collaboration between multiple organizations participating in a Horizon 2020 project. It helps to ensure the success of the project by providing clear guidelines for project management, resource allocation, and decision-making. It also helps to protect the intellectual property of the participating organizations and ensures that they receive proper credit for their contributions.

Creating a comprehensive and clear consortium agreement is essential for a successful Horizon 2020 project. It should be agreed upon by all consortium members and signed before the start of the project to ensure that everyone is on the same page. With a well-drafted consortium agreement in place, the Horizon 2020 project can proceed smoothly, leading to successful outcomes for all involved.

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