Implied Contract Meaning in English

Implied Contract Meaning in English: Understanding the Basics

Contracts are an essential part of modern society. They are used to outline the legal responsibilities and obligations of individuals, businesses, and organizations. However, not all contracts are created equal. Some contracts are explicitly stated, while others are implied. In this article, we will take a closer look at implied contracts and what they mean in English.

What is an Implied Contract?

An implied contract is a legally binding agreement that is not explicitly stated in writing or orally. Instead, it is inferred from the actions and behavior of the parties involved. Implied contracts are created when there is an understanding between two parties that a certain course of action will be taken, and compensation will be provided in return.

For example, if an individual hires a plumber to fix a leaky faucet, an implied contract is created. The plumber is expected to fix the faucet, and the individual is expected to pay for the services rendered. Although there is no written contract, the expectation of payment is implied.

Types of Implied Contracts

There are two types of implied contracts: implied-in-fact and implied-at-law.

Implied-In-Fact Contracts

Implied-in-fact contracts are created based on the conduct of the parties involved. They are formed when there is an understanding between the parties, and it is clear that an agreement has been made. These contracts can be inferred from the actions, statements, and behavior of the parties involved.

For example, if an individual goes to a restaurant and orders a meal, an implied-in-fact contract is created. The restaurant is expected to provide the meal, and the individual is expected to pay for it.

Implied-At-Law Contracts

Implied-at-law contracts are created when there is no express or implied agreement between the parties involved. Instead, they are created by law to prevent unjust enrichment or to ensure fairness and equity. These contracts are also known as quasi-contracts.

For example, if a contractor mistakenly delivers building materials to the wrong address, the owner of the property may be required to pay for the materials under an implied-at-law contract. The owner received a benefit, and it would be unjust for them to keep the materials without compensation.

Enforcing Implied Contracts

Enforcing an implied contract can be challenging because there is no written agreement to refer to. However, there are ways to prove the existence of an implied contract. First, it is essential to show that there was a mutual agreement between the parties. Second, it must be demonstrated that the parties intended to perform the obligations set out in the contract. Finally, it must be shown that one party relied on the actions or behavior of the other party.


Implied contracts can be tricky to navigate, but they are an essential part of our legal system. Understanding the basics of implied contracts can help individuals, businesses, and organizations protect themselves in legal disputes. Remember, implied contracts are created based on the actions and behavior of the parties involved. To enforce an implied contract, it is crucial to show that there was a mutual agreement, the parties intended to perform their obligations, and one party relied on the other`s actions or behavior.

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